It could be worse: Under Self Isolation because of the Coronavirus
Coronavirus hit and the world stopped. That’s the image the world has painted of the current viral outbreak. People threw around words like “dystopia” and “apocalypse” have been thrown around. Covid-19 showed humanity’s problems with issues like bigotry, predatory capitalism and xenophobia. The virus hit and it was a “China” problem, we quickly saw how quick people were to jump on the band wagon of racial stereotyping. “Those people eat bats and snakes, they called this on themselves”. The price escalation on items such as masks and gloves was disgusting to see. The conspiracy theorist came up with plots involving labs, virus creation, and planned population exposure to the virus. Yes the human race dug deep in the “stupid” barrel and came up with gems.
The virus showed us our darker selves but it also showed us another side of humanity. The part of humanity I hope I am worthy to be part of. The foreign student who dropped off an envelop of money at a police station to help fight the virus. The students volunteering to clean and disinfect public spaces, to help curb the spread of the virus. The group of animal lovers doing everything they can to feed the absent owner’s pets. These owners couldn’t come home to feed them because of quarantine and travel bans. These acts are small. But they are a testament to how amazing humanity can be.
Murals should be created to the brave medical staff on the frontlines, battling the coronavirus. It is sad to hear about the doctors working 6 -10 day shifts non-stop, all in efforts to be the barrier that holds back covid-19. They have worked very hard. They sacrificed their time away from family so other people can still have their family. And this at a time when most Chinese people travel home to see family. The world’s largest human migration is a time meant to be a time for reuniting with family, settling old beefs, shared meals and joy and of course ushering in the new year with as much goodwill as one can muster.
This year has been different. The coronavirus made it impossible for some to travel back to their home towns. Those who could had the cloud of a developing epidemic skulking in the deep recesses of their consciousness. How much more so to those residing the most hard hit city in the world, Wuhan?
I read so many stories from foreigners across China. Most of these stories are about how lives have been affected by the virus. You have probably read accounts from people talking about how this situation is not why they came to China. I have read about foreigners dreaming about going outside.
However it is very rare to hear even one account of someone trying to put themselves in the shoes of those people in Wuhan and Hubei province. I understand the plight of those stuck in self isolation. I am in self isolation myself. But if you are in a city like mine: Weihai, where there has been less than 50 people infected, do you really have a leg to stand on. This is especially true when considering people in covid-19 hit cities? If people in those cities can have a stiff upper lip and keep moving forward, do we not dishonour them? Do we not dishonour the sacrifice of those doctors? Some of which have died from exhaustion?
As judgy as those questions may be, I can not ride the high horse and judge. But I would like to mention, for those born in China evacuation is not an option. For those in Wuhan, a walk outside everyday is not always possible. For doctors in those hospitals, a few hours sleep is a luxury.
I have been in self isolation for nearly 40 days. This self isolation is my way to fight the Coronavirus. I am responsible for my health and by extension those around me. It hasn’t always been comfortable but it also has not been absolute hell. I have been able to go out and get groceries. I can take a walk outside whenever I want as long as I have a mask on. On days when I don’t feel like cooking, food deliveries are going strong, albeit with some alterations in process and availability. I haven’t had to worry about food. The store are well stocked. My school has been amazing so I have not had to worry about work, other than how to roll out online classes. But that is a story for another time.
Effectively the only problems have been first and foremost, not being outside all day. Secondly following hot on its heels, not seeing my students face to face. The last is of course the expanding of my waistline from all the snacking and reduced activity. However it could be so much worse.